Bird Walks: SPRING 2025
Let us know if you want to rent binoculars ($10/pair)
Every Sunday at 9:30am ($10)
30 March (9:30am); 6 April (9:30am); 13 April (7:30am/9:30am); etc.
Central Park, meet at the Boathouse Restaurant/Cafe
The Boathouse Restaurant is approx. 74th street/EAST DRIVE - DIRECTIONS Click Here
**7:30am walks resume on 13 April 2025**
Note: Sunday Walk prices are increasing to $20 for adults; $10/kids on 13 April
There will still be two for one walks whenever we do them. (Do the 7:30am walk for
$20/adult, and get the 9:30am walk free.)
**Every SATURDAY at 9:30am** ($10):
29 March (9:30am only); 5 April (9:30am only); 12 April (7:30am/9:30am);
**7:30am walks resume on 12 April 2025**
Meet at the Boathouse Restaurant/Cafe - DIRECTIONS: Click Here
**If you do the 7:30am walk, you get the 9:30am walk FREE (two for one)**
Every Monday in CENTRAL PARK at 8:30am ($10)
Monday morning walks resume on 7 April 2025
​Meet at Strawberry Fields (72nd street and Central Park West)
Every Thursday in CENTRAL PARK at 8:30am ($10)
Thursday morning walks resume on 11 April 2025
Meet at the Boathouse Restaurant/Cafe
Approx. 74th street and the EAST DRIVE - DIRECTIONS Click Here
Every Friday in CENTRAL PARK at 8:30am ($10)
The Friday walks are led by Ms. Deborah Allen
Friday morning walks resume on 28 March 2025
Meet at the Conservatory Garden (106th st. and 5th Avenue). Due to ongoing
construction we are meeting at the corner of 106th st and 5th Avenue in early spring 2025
If you want to hire Deborah Allen or me for a PRIVATE BIRD WALK to take place at anytime of
the year in Central Park/NYC or the tri-state area, contact us - rates are reasonable. If you
are visiting from afar and wish to see nesting warblers such as Golden-winged, Hooded,
Cerulean and many others; or Eastern Long Island (Snowy Owls in winter) or breeding
terns/skimmers/oystercatchers) in summer; Jamaica Bay (shorebirds in spring or autumn),
or any specialty birds such as Harlequin Ducks (Coastal NJ such as Cape May or Barnegat
Lighthouse), contact us - yes we do those tours and have been to these places many times:
Contact Bob directly: ​​rdcny@earthlink.net
Check the calendar below for details about our upcoming walks.
(Click an event for more details)


About Our Bird Walks
All walks cost $10. On days when we do an early morning walk (7:30am) and a 9:30am walk, you can do both walks for one price: $10/person. Get two walks for the price of one!
Walks last about three hours, but you're free to leave anytime. We won't take it personally!
If you are lost and looking for us on a bird walk, call our mobile: 347-703-5554
We have extra pairs of BINOCULARS that can be rented for $10. These are high quality bins - not cheapos! Please email (rdcny@earthlink.net) to reserve a pair. If we don't know you need them, there is no guarantee they'll be there for you. If you are thinking of purchasing new binoculars, ask us. We can make recommendations based on your needs and your budget, and let you know where to get them for the best price.
Walks continue throughout the winter (year-round), and are only cancelled for severe weather conditions. We are a hardy bunch - particularly during spring and fall migration. If in doubt whether a walk will take place, do the following: check this web site the morning of the walk. Final info if a walk is cancelled will be posted early (by 6:30am) the morning of the walk in question on the main page on this web site, as well on the Schedule page. If you are still worried, email me (rdcny@earthlink.net) or call us at home: 718-828-8262. If you call and no one answers, it is usually because we have already left the house to get to the bird walk!. We usually leave home by 6:30am...If no info is posted that says the walk is cancelled, then the schedule as posted prevails (yes there will be a bird walk!).
Getting there
The majority of our walks take place in Central Park, but we also do trips on Saturdays in the right season to the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Reserve in Queens, Prospect Park in Brooklyn and other NYC Parks. We do occasional walks looking for owls in Central Park and other NYC parks, and to the Empire State Building at night to look for autumn and spring migrating birds.
Check our Meeting Points page for detailed information about how to get to our starting points,

The Fine Print
Please make payment to Bob DeCandido or Deb Allen in cash at the start of the walk.
If you are late for a bird walk, this creates problems. You can try calling Deborah's cell phone (347-703-5554) to find out where we are...However, if you are unfamiliar with the park, finding us will be difficult. Also, having her cell phone ring during a bird walk is distracting to the people on the walk. Nevertheless, unforeseen problems do happen and you may need to call us. That being said, please (please!) do your best to be on time. We leave the meeting location by five minutes after the posted meeting time.
We do other walks besides the Central Park morning bird walks such as owl walks at night; late afternoon migration walks in spring; trips to the Observation Deck of the Empire State Building to see night migrating birds. Check the schedule - or better yet, sign-up for our weekly email Newsletter on this web site (see the Newsletter/Blog page). Or Just send your email to me, and each Wednesday you will receive the Newsletter that has info on what we saw the previous week, bird photos from that walk, and historical notes on birds and the NYC environment from the mid-nineteenth century to the present.